Pacientul acut
Acute patients are schizophrenia patients who are markedly or severely ill (PANSS total score ≥ 80 and ≤ 120) and are experiencing either their first episode of psychosis or a psychotic relapse.
COD 300021/R55
Pacientul cu simptome negative
Negative symptoms refer to a loss of patient functioning, constituted by 5 constructs, known as the 5As: alogia, blunted affect, anhedonia, avolition, and asociality.
COD 300021/R56
Pacientul subacut
Subacute schizophrenia patients are subjects who transitioned from the acute to the subacute phase due to symptom remission (PANSS total score range is 50-75; moderately ill). The delusions, hallucinations, disorganised thinking, and/or formal thought disorder that were more prominent in the acute phase may still be present in milder form.
COD 300021/R57
Lipsă de eficacitate
Some schizophrenia patients with therapeutic compromise experience issues with their antipsychotic medication due to either ineffectiveness of the medication itself or non-compliance. These patients usually require a switch in their antipsychotic medication.
COD 300021/R58
Probleme privind siguranța
Some schizophrenia patients with therapeutic compromise experience adverse effects of antipsychotic (AP) medication. These patients may require a switch in medication.
COD 300021/R59